
Specifications for Patch-N-Pave Cold Asphalt Polymer Modified Cold Asphalt Patching Material All Weather Mix
This bituminous polymer modified cold patching material is designed to be applied in the ambient temperature range of 0°F to 100°F. The mixture will provide satisfactory coating, workability, adhesive and cohesive characteristics while functioning during cool to hot and / or wet to dry climatic conditions. Once in place and compacted, Patch-N-Pave Polymer modified cold asphalt is virtually unaffected by changes in weather conditions or exposure to weighted and / or continuous traffic flow.
The liquid asphalt component used shall be polymer modified PG 64-22 Patch-N-Pave blend and be capable of passing AASHTO T-182 as modified herein.
SievePatch-N-Pave All Weather Mix
No. 470-100
No. 1028-40
No. 400-10
No. 800-6
No. 2000-3.5
ExtractionASTM D21720.5%
GradationAASHTO T-30Tolerance within Patch-N-Pave Range
Resistance to Water DamageAASHTO T-182 modified*+95%
Outdoor Shelf LifeVisualOne Year., 50 ton min. @ 6' height

*Note #1: The modification of T-182 consists of immersion of sample at 140°F for 24 hours.

Depending on handling and stockpiling practices (minimum 50 ton stockpile), Patch-N-Pave Polymer modified cold asphalt bulk material can be stored outdoors unprotected for extended periods of up to one (1) year while still retaining its performance characteristics. Patch-N-Pave Polymer modified cold asphalt packaged material is guaranteed fresh for one (1) year if unopened.
Patch-N-Pave Polymer modified cold asphalt material is guaranteed to perform adequately under normal circumstances in its intended use for a minimum period of six (6) months. This guarantee is limited to the replacement of any material determined by Patch-N-Pave producer to be defective and does not cover any consequential damages resulting from the use of the product.
Patch-N-Pave Polymer modified cold asphalt shall be available in both bulk and packaged form. Patch-N-Pave Polymer modified cold asphalt shall be available FOB at plant at all times and capable of delivery within seventy-two (72) hours of request (delivery available within twenty-four (24) hours when required).
Patch-N-Pave Polymer modified cold asphalt shall be available in both bulk and packaged form. Patch-N-Pave Polymer modified cold asphalt shall be available FOB at plant at all times and capable of delivery within seventy-two (72) hours of request (delivery available within twenty-four (24) hours when required).